Which .NET Mocking Framework Do You Prefer?

We are preparing to evaluate mocking frameworks that support .NET to determine if our current mocking framework is still the best solution for us.  Before we actually start the evaluation, we’d like to get a general idea of which .NET mocking frameworks are popular amongst developers out in the rest of the world.

To aid in this endeavor, we have created a simple survey with two questions (or three, depending on how you answer the first question).  Essentially, the survey asks which of the following .NET mocking frameworks is your primary (or preferred) framework.  The list of frameworks is comprised of the following:

  • EasyMock.NET
  • FakeItEasy
  • JustMock (Telerik)
  • Microsoft Fakes
  • Moq
  • NMock2
  • NMock3
  • NSubstitute
  • Rhino Mocks
  • Simple.Mocking
  • Typemock
  • Other (list in comments)

If you select “Other” then the second question is there to list the name.  The third and final question is simply for any general comments you’d like to make.

We plan to keep the survey open until Tuesday, January 15th.  Once the survey has closed, I will post the results back to this blog.  So, please help us determine what the preferred mocking frameworks are that are in use today.  The survey should (literally) take less than 30 seconds.  Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

This Survey is Now Closed.  Click Here to view the final results.

Also, please take a moment and pass the word by tweeting, blogging, etc. the above survey link (or the link to this post).  The more responses we get, the better.

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