VS 2008 Add-Ins

As I (like many others) make the full-time transition from VS 2005 to VS 2008 I find that I’m having to update several add-ins and utilities that I’ve grown accustomed to.  Here is a short list of what I’ve updated so far:

Visual Studio 2008

  • GhostDoc 2.1.2 – I’ve become very accustomed to pressing Ctrl+Shift+D to fill in the XML comments for my code.  I’m glad to see that VS 2008 is now supported.
  • Project MRU Cleaner – This is a very handy utility for removing orphaned or otherwise unwanted solutions from the Recent Projects list in VS 2005/2008.
  • ReSharper – Although ReSharper does not fully support the .NET Framework version 3.5 yet, Jeffrey Palermo has published some instructions on how to get the latest version of ReSharper working with VS 2008.
  • Silverlight 1.1. Tools Alpha for VS 2008 – Nothing new here – it’s just been updated to work with the final release of VS 2008.

Team Foundation Server

I’m still waiting on the full release of Team Foundation Server 2008 Power Tools as I’ve grown accustomed to using those tools on a regular basis as well – it shouldn’t be long.  I also have a couple of add-ins that I’ve written that I need to get updated for VS 2008 as well.

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