Technology Education And Literacy in Schools (TEALS)

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computer_science_16521_0The U.S. is facing a shortage of computer science (CS) graduates. Every year, 80,000 positions requiring a CS degree go unfilled by domestic talent. This will cost the U.S. economy $500 billion over the next decade, which is detrimental to our economic competitiveness and national defense. Furthermore, 38,000 out of 45,000 high schools do not teach computer science. Only 0.7% of all AP tests taken last year were for computer science.
TEALS is looking for tech professionals to team-teach a high school computer science class in an effort to build a sustainable CS program in every American high school. Classes are first period before work, just 2 days per week; you can help us solve this problem and keep your day job!

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Kevin Wang, who manages TEALS, has offered to present a special informational meeting (via Lync) for MVPs and their invited guests to learn about opportunities for the 2014/2015 academic year.  The planning for this gets under way around the March 2014 time frame.

The on-line meeting will be held Thursday, December 12th at 9:00 AM (PST). If you have an interest in finding out more about the TEALS program, let me know (use the Contact Us button) and I will forward the meeting invite to you.


Q. What is TEALS?

A. TEALS (Technology Education And Literacy in Schools) is a grassroots driven program that recruits, mentors, and places high tech professionals who are passionate about digital literacy and computer science education into high school classes as part-time teachers in a team teaching model where the school district is unable to meet their students’ Computer Science needs on its own. 

Q. If I attend the meeting am I committed?

A. No.  This is strictly an informational meeting with Kevin Wang who founded TEALS for you to learn more about the program and have any questions answered.

Q. What if there is not a TEALS school near me?

A. There are opportunities to participate remotely for schools that may be in rural areas or not have a pool of Computer Science talent locally.  Additionally the list of TEALS schools grow each year.  While there may not have been a TEALS school in your area previously that could change in the future. 

Q. What experience is required?

A. CS degree or equivalent industry experience and desire to give back to the community by teaching high school CS.  It is geared towards those more developer focused.

Q. Is there a stipend?

A. Yes, the schools have set aside $5,000 for the volunteers to offset their transportation costs, coffee, and speeding tickets. You will sign a contract with the school so that you will get a school ID, parking spot, log in etc. Essentially adjunct faculty.  You will obviously also need to pass a background check. There is $4,000 in the lead teacher pool and $1,000 in the TA pool.  TEALS does not see a single cent, nor do we want to. If there is 1 lead teacher (teaching 4 days a week by themselves) and 2 TAs, the lead gets $4,000, the TAs split the $1,000 and get $500 each.  If it’s 2 lead and 2 TAs, $2,000 and $500 respectively.

Q. Where can I get more information?

A. See the full FAQ here or visit the TEALS web site.

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