Performance Testing with VSTS

Earlier today I gave a talk at this year’s Tulsa TechFest (love this conference!) on Performance Testing with VSTS On- and Off-Premises. In this session, covered the various types of load tests that can be executed with VSTS, including:

  • URL-based Tests
  • HTTP Archive Tests
  • Visual Studio Tests
  • JMeter Tests

In the demos that accompanied each of these test types, I showed where they could each be run in the cloud using VSTS and well as on-premises, also using VSTS (with the exception of JMeter which isn’t yet supported in all scenarios). I plan to cover each of these in a series of blog posts starting within the next week or so. I am hoping to get a few videos created along the way as well.

For now, click on the image below to view the slides for the talk. If you have any questions and/or comments, please let me know about them in the comments section below.



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