NLarge Utility

I’ve been putting the finishing touches on a TFS 2008 presentation that I’ll be giving at this year’s Tulsa TechFest conference later this month and came across a utility that promises to be extremely useful.  It’s called NLarge and provides the ability to zoom in and out of a presentation (or any other displayed materials) using a smooth scrolling effect.  NLarge runs in the taskbar notification area and can be activated with a hotkey (Alt+1).  Once activated, the zoom feature can be controlled with the mouse, tablet pen, and/or keyboard.  Although I haven’t used this utility during a presentation yet, I think it will be extremely valuable in aiding those in the back of the room to see what I’m focusing on.

NLarge is an open source project available on Microsoft’s CodePlex site.  You can get more information about NLarge here.

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