New TFS Power Toys Available

Great news for users of Team Foundation Server – a new set of Power Toys has been made available. This includes updates to existing Power Toys as well as the addition of several new Power Toys.

Some of the highlights include:

  • The TFS MSSCCI Provider is now officially supported by Microsoft.
  • Previous Power Toys have been pulled out of the SDK and made available in this separate download (so you don’t have to download the entire SDK).
  • Four new Power Toys have been included including tfpt bind, tfpt query/tfpt workitem, Annotate (very cool), and TreeDiff.

Read the full post on Brian Harry’s blog or click here to download the new set of Power Toys.

Update: Rob Caron has announced a new forum for the TFS Power Toys. You can use this forum to provide feedback as well as ask questions related to the TFS Power Toys.

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