New Orcas Features

Eric Lee has a nice post on some of the new features found in the current Orcas release. There is some really nice stuff coming out with Orcas, especially in the area of Team Foundation Server. Some of these features include:

  • Code Metrics – view various metrics about your source code.
  • Annotation View for Files under Version Control – lets you see who changed what & when?
  • Team Foundation Server Build Definition Editor – quit messing around in all that XML!
  • Build Retention Policy – automatically remove build files from your drop location.
  • Continuous Builds – finally! :-)
  • Build Queues – lets you queue up builds.
  • Folder Differencing – allows you to compare everything within folders.
  • Runtime Control of a Performance Session – control your performance session as it runs.
  • Query View in Performance Reports – construct queries to sort through your performance data.
  • Integration with Work Item Tracking – right-click to directly create a work item within the Performance Explorer.
  • Performance Report Comparison – compares two performance files.

These improvements alone make for a nice upgrade (in my opinion) but these don’t even include the new advancements made in the new .NET Framework.

Scott Guthrie has also posted on some of the new web development features found in the current Orcas release. Looks like some really nice features for richer HTML/CSS development, better data querying (via LINQ), etc.. Take a look at Scott’s presentation slidedeck for more information.

The Orcas VPCs can be downloaded from here:

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