About two and a half years ago (wow, time flies!) I wrote about a Markdown to WordPress extension that I had built for Visual Studio Team Services (now Azure DevOps). This extension was borne out of the desire to manage markdown files within version control (e.g. Azure Repos) and publish them to WordPress via a build definition. Two and a half years later, we are still making use of this extension.
Since the original preview release there have been a few tweaks made to the extension that resolved a few bugs as well as introduced some new functionality – e.g. the ability to (optionally) add an “Edit this page” button at the bottom of each post that, when clicked, would take the reader to the associated markdown file in version control.
Recently, we wrote up a lot of new guidance with a lot of interlinked topics that has raised some challenges for the extension (in how it works today). As we figure out the best approach to handle these challenges, it’s likely we’ll be making some additional modifications to the extension. In preparation for the changes, I thought now was the perfect time to (finally) release the extension as open source on GitHub. So, I did. :-)
The Markdown to WordPress extension for Azure DevOps is now available on GitHub, here!
While the code has been uploaded to GitHub, along with a README file, there are still a couple of items that need to be taken care of to complete the journey to OSS, including:
- Add instructions for running the unit tests. While the code should compile as-is, and the unit tests should execute just fine, the integration tests (also implemented as unit tests) require some configuration setup so they can run properly (e.g. you need a test WordPress site and an Azure DevOps repo along with their respective credentials).
- Azure Pipeline cleanup. I have a build today within Azure DevOps that will build and publish the extension to the Azure DevOps Marketplace but I want to split the build out into a CI build and then add a Release Pipeline to publish the extension
I plan to address both of the above items soon.
If this is an extension that you might find useful, I would like to encourage you to download it and give it a go. If you find that it’s missing a feature that you’d like to see implemented, I’d love to get a pull request! :-)
If you run into any issues, you can now open an issue directly on GitHub here.