Introduction to Windows 8 Development–Go Metro!

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at this year’s Heartland Developers Conference (HDC).  I gave an introductory talk on developing “Metro” applications for Windows 8.  The goal of the talk was to cover some of the basic features that every developer writing Windows 8 apps would have to face when first getting started.  Some of these features include:

  • Obtaining Windows 8
  • Obtaining the developers tools – e.g. Visual Studio 2012
  • Understanding the Windows Runtime framework
  • Specific application features such as:
    • Roaming data (e.g. app settings) to the cloud
    • Contracts and extensions
    • Using the File Picker
    • Implementing application settings (via the charms bar)
    • Create app bars
    • Understanding the application lifecycle
  • Windows Store
    • Registration
    • Packaging
    • Publishing

The talk went very well and I was pleased with the turnout of my session as well as the conference overall.  As always, HDC has turned out to be a great developer resource.  I look forward to returning next year.

The slides for my session have been uploaded here.  I have also published the corresponding demos (Windows 8, C#/XAML) on SkyDrive, here.  There are some great resource links in the last few slides so be sure to check them out.

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