In the first post of this series on Cloud Load Testing with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) I showed you how to quickly get a cloud load test up and running. In the post we created a test than ran within the cloud and not on-premises. If you have a desire or need to run your cloud load tests using an on-premises test agent, the agents are very easy to setup and configure.
If you don’t want to read each of the required steps for installing the agent, there are only a few, I have created a video that will walk you through the process.
For those that would rather just see the steps, here they are:
- Download PowerShell script from here:
- Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) in VSTS
- Install the Agent by running the following command:
.\ManageVSTSCloudLoadAgent.ps1 -TeamServicesAccountName https://<account> -PATToken <PAT> -ConfigureAgent -AgentGroupName ‘<AgentGroupName>’ - Verify the agent installed successfully by running the following command:
.\ManageVSTSCloudLoadAgent.ps1 -TeamServicesAccountName https://<account> -PATToken <PAT> -GetAgentGroups - Create and run a load test with the new agent.
For each of the bold items shown above replace the tags with your specific settings. If you’d like to see me walk through each of these steps then I’ll recommend you watch the video.
Hopefully this all makes sense. If you have any questions about setting up an on-premises cloud load test agent please let me know in the comments below or in the comments section on the video page.
Hi I am running the load test from my visual studio team services account. I have followed all the steps which you have provided in the video. I have downloaded the power shell script and followed all the steps. But the test agent in my local machine is not running. As you discussed in the above video when you run the load test in the task manager QTAgent32.exe is running but in my case it is not running. As a result the load test is failing stating that :
Failed to queue test run ‘TestRun’: Invalid data in: testRun. Ensure that the test settings are valid. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Exceptions.EqtException: Invalid data in: testRun. Ensure that the test settings are valid.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Controller.ControllerObject.QueueTestRun(TestRun testRun, FileCopyService fileCopyService, IControllerEvents eventHandler)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestManagement.ControllerProxy.QueueTestRunWorker(Object state)
Please suggest how should I run my test agent
Do you have the other posts in this series?
I had other posts planned but it seemed like Cloud Load Testing wasn’t getting any love from Microsoft. This “lack of love” was validated by Microsoft’s recent announcement that they’ll be retiring the Cloud Load Testing features next March (2020). You can read their announcement here: