Heartland Developers Conference

The 3rd annual Heartland Developers Conference has been scheduled for October 26th and 27th, 2006. This will be the first time the conference has been held in Omaha, NE. I’m excited to go because A: it’s very close (about 15 minutes from my house), B: it’s inexpensive ($125 early bird registration fee – which my company is paying for), and C: I’m looking forward to hearing some great speakers.

If you live in the midwest (e.g. Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota, etc.) then you should definitely consider attending this conference. Registration starts Monday, May 1st. There will most likely be a sellout crowd, so register ASAP :-)

Although I’ll be attending Tech-Ed 2006 in Boston this year I’m excited to know that I’ll get at least one more conference in (i.e. learning opportunity) before the end of the year.

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