HDC 2006 is "In the Books"

The 2006 Heartland Developers Conference has officially come to a close.  It was two days of a lot of technical sessions, food, prizes, games, socializing, and more.  Although I don’t know the official attendee count (yet) it was somewhere around 600 which is pretty good considering this was only the 3rd year for the conference.  Philip and Joe did a great job putting this together (no surprise there :-).  This was the first year I attended HDC and rumor has it that HDC ’07 will be in Omaha as well so I look forward to attending again next year – I’m sure it will be even better!

I also had the pleasure of giving a presentation of Team Build at the end of the first day and had a pretty good turn out.  I think the presentation went pretty well considering it was during the 5:00-6:30pm time slot at the end of the first day.  If anyone is interested in the slides used for the presentation, you can get them here.  I had the opportunity to answer a lot of questions during the presentation as well as at the end of the presentation.  This was the first time I had ever presented at developers conference and it was a great experience.  I hope I get a chance to do it again.

There were a lot of great topics covered throughout the two-day conference but some of the highlights for me would have to include the talks on LINQ and Custom Windows Workflow Activities as well as my own presentation on Team Build :-)  I had attended talks on LINQ and Windows Workflow at this year’s TechEd in Boston and it’s nice to see how well the technology has progressed.

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