Running Visual Studio 2014 CTP on Azure

Yesterday, I posted about Microsoft’s recent release of Visual Studio 2014 CTP. Whereas most developers are eager to download, install, and try out new software releases, there was one caveat mentioned in this post that is worth paying attention to: NOTE: It is recommended that you install the CTP on a machine that has no other version of Visual Studio installed. In other words, don’t install this on your primary/production machine! Since we can’t (shouldn’t) install the CTP release on our primary machine, a common approach would be to setup a virtual machine (VM) with Visual Studio 2014 CTP installed…
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Visual Studio “14”– CTP Released

Right on the heels of the Visual Studio 2013/TFS 2013 Update 3 CTP 1 announcement, Microsoft releases the first CTP for Visual Studio “14” (final name TBD). Although the final version of Visual Studio “14” isn’t likely to be released until next year, you can install the CTP now to get an early look at some of the changes going into the next version of Visual Studio. NOTE: It is recommended that you install the CTP on a machine that has no other version of Visual Studio installed. Although there a many features available in this CTP, some of the…
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