Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit

The Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Training Kit has been updated for the recent Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate.  There is a lot of great content in this update including the following technologies: C# 4.0 Visual Basic 10 F# Parallel Extensions Windows Communication Foundation Windows Workflow Windows Presentation Foundation ASP.NET 4 Windows 7 Entity Framework ADO.NET Data Services Managed Extensibility Framework Visual Studio Team System (note that the “Team System” name has been dropped from Visual Studio 2010 – this will no doubt be reflected in the final release of the training kit) The download is about 200MB…
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Visual Studio 2010 Licensing

We’ve seen the prices for Visual Studio 2010 but what about licensing?  If you’re interested in the finer details of how Visual Studio 2010 is licensed, then check out the Visual Studio 2010 Licensing Whitepaper (available in PDF and XPS formats). This is a 33-page document covering the following areas of Visual Studio 2010: How to Buy Visual Studio 2010 Client Edition and MSDN Subscription Licensing Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Licensing Lab Management Load Testing IntelliTrace I wish it didn’t take 33 pages to explain product licensing but at least there’s a document :-)
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Visual Studio/TFS 2010/.NET 4 RC Released

When Microsoft announced that Visual Studio 2010 would be pushed back a few weeks, they stated they would be shipping a Release Candidate (RC) in February.  As of February 8th, the RC is available on the MSDN Subscribers site.  The same downloads will be available publicly on the Microsoft Downloads site starting Wednesday, February 10th. The overall driving reason for pushing back the launch date was to concentrate on performance.  Brian Harry has a post covering some of the improvements made to performance since Beta 2.  While I’ve only had the RC installed for a very short time, the difference…
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Visual Studio and TFS 2010 Pricing Announced

If you’ve been wondering exactly what the various new Visual Studio 2010 SKUs are going to cost, then wonder no more.  The retail pricing for Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010 have been released: Suggested Retail Pricing (USD) for Visual Studio 2010 With 1-Year MSDN Subscription* Product Buy Upgrade Buy Renew Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - - $11,899 $3,799 Visual Studio 2010 Premium - - $5,469 $2,299 Visual Studio 2010 Professional $799 $549 $1,199 $799 Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 - - $2,169 $899 Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 $499 $399 - - Visual Studio Team Foundation…
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Visual Studio 2010 TFS Upgrade Guide

Continuing along with my recent flurry of posts regarding various Visual Studio 2010 guidance being released by the Rangers, here’s one that has perfect timing for me personally – the Visual Studio 2010 Upgrade Guide. If you are planning on upgrading from Team Foundation Server 2008 (or even TFS 2005) to TFS 2010, then this guide is a gold mine of information.  It covers in-place upgrades as well as migration upgrades and details the steps that must be completed for more than a dozen specific scenarios.  For example, enabling branch visualization in upgraded projects, splitting team projects into multiple collections,…
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VS 2010 and TFS 2010 VM Factory Guidance

But wait, there’s more!…  Along with various other bits of guidance being published recently by the Rangers, there is also the Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010 Virtualization Guidance. “Visual Studio 2010 VM Factory is the reference implementation of a software solution that automates the creation of Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010 virtualized environments. The purpose of this project is to build prescriptive guidance around virtualization of the Visual Studio 2010 and guidance for full automation of the creation of virtual machines using the VM Factory. The goal is to help users with the installation…
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Visual Studio 2010 Quick Reference Guidance Released

If you’re looking for some quick information regarding the myriad features in Visual Studio 2010, then look no further than the recently published Visual Studio 2010 Quick Reference Guidance.  This is yet another example of a great guidance project released by the Rangers in the past few weeks. “The Visual Studio 2010 Quick Reference Guidance consists of compact cheat sheets for Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2010 and Visual Studio (VS) 2010, addressing the core problem of teams in the field who are unaware of Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server capabilities or have little time to invest in detailed education.”…
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Visual Studio 2010 Launch Date Set (Again)

As pointed out last month, Microsoft pushed back the launch for Visual Studio 2010 (originally set for March 22nd, 2010).  At that time, they stated only that it would be pushed back a few weeks (citing performance reasons). Now, several weeks later, they have reset the Visual Studio 2010 launch date for April 12th, 2010 as pointed out by Rob Caron in a “short but sweet blog post. Although it’s only being pushed back three weeks, it does give us the benefit of getting another interim release (a release candidate to be available in February) prior to the RTM release. …
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TFS 2010 Requirements Management Guidance Ships!

As we near RTM for Visual Studio 2010, we are going to start seeing more and more information being release providing guidance on the installation, configuration, and usage of Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010.  One of the latest guidance project to be release by the Rangers is the Visual Studio 2010 Team Foundation Server Requirements Management Guidance. “This Ranger solution addresses the People, Process, and Technology guidance for Requirements Engineering (RE) using Team Foundation Server. The goal of this guidance is to provide formalized Microsoft field experience in the form of recommended procedures and processes, Visual Studio…
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Team Foundation Sidekicks for TFS 2010

Attrice has released version 3.0 of their (most useful) Team Foundation Server Sidekicks for Team Foundation Server 2010 Beta 2.  This set of utilities has been sorely missed since TFS 2010 was first made available for testing.  This release has pretty much the same functionality as version 2.4 (for TFS 2005/2008) with the following exceptions: Permissions Sidekick: this sidekick is not available in this release (to be added back in 2010 RTM timeframe) Build Type editing (VS integration only): this feature is not available in this release Dynamic History support (VS integration only): the History toolwindow is updated only when…
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