Cleaning Up Old Team Projects

A few days ago a co-worker sent out an e-mail asking if any of several team projects were still in use; if not, then they would be removed from Team Foundation Server. Looking at the list it was easy enough to recognize a few active projects but others would take more investigation.  After sending my feedback I thought a custom utility might be helpful in the future for the next round of potential deletion candidates.  So, I decided to put the TFS Object Model (TFSOM) to use and created TFSunset (see screen shot below). TFSunset uses the TFSOM to query…
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PowerCommands for VS 2008

A short while ago I wrote a post about the MSDN Code Gallery.  For all intents and purposes I liked what I saw with a few exceptions (nothing major).  I even posted a simple Send Email Message snippet just to try it out.  Today, I noticed a new post that I think will prove to be very useful to many Visual Studio 2008 users - PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008.  This is a set of extensions for the Visual Studio 2008 IDE that offer various types of functionality, including: Collapse Projects Copy/Paste Class Copy/Paste References (this will be hugely popular…
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TFS/MSBuild Sidekicks Updates

The Attrice corporation has been hard at work updating their set of Sidekick Utilities for VSTS/TFS 2008 (I know I'm excited!).  I've been using these tools for quite some time now and have been waiting for the upgrade ever since we updated to VSTS 2008 a month or so ago. First in line are the Team Foundation Sidekicks which includes the following features: History Sidekick - provides various functionality for viewing the history of items within version control. Status Sidekick - (I use this one a lot) - allows you to search and view pending changes for items based on…
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TFSInfo Updated for TFS 2008

A few months ago I created a simple command line utility called TFSInfo that can be used to display various bits of information about a Team Foundation Server 2005 installation.  I have now updated this utility to work with TFS 2008 as well as TFS 2005.   You can see from the screen shot which information is displayed.  In case you can't see the image, the following information is displayed by TFSInfo: AT server name AT Version AT Edition (e.g. Standard, Workgroup, or Trial) DT server Name DT Server Version (not available for TFS 2008) SQL Server Version Reporting Server…
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NDiagnostics – Beta Release

Any of us that creates software on a day-to-day basis, that's actually used by someone other than yourself, has undoubtedly had to answer technical support questions about your software and/or troubleshoot why it's not working. In a lot of cases, you may have a dedicated support team that interacts directly with your customer base and they only contact you if they come across something they can't resolve or explain. Over time, the support teams tend to become very efficient at resolving application-specific issues regarding setup and configuration. However, when an application is first released, the process isn't so straight-forward and…
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SafetyTip – My First Mobile App

A co-worker recently sent me a link about calculating checksums for tips (i.e. the tip you leave your server when paying for a meal at a restaurant).  Without getting into the crux of the poster's original argument ("thieving restaurant servers" - I don't know how often this happens) I found the idea of creating checksums for tips intriguing. That same night, at one of my family's favorite restaurants, I decided to put the checksum into practice.  However, I quickly realized that mentally calculating checksums for tips wasn't all that fun :-). So, what's a software developer (with a Windows Mobile-enabled…
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NLarge Utility

I've been putting the finishing touches on a TFS 2008 presentation that I'll be giving at this year's Tulsa TechFest conference later this month and came across a utility that promises to be extremely useful.  It's called NLarge and provides the ability to zoom in and out of a presentation (or any other displayed materials) using a smooth scrolling effect.  NLarge runs in the taskbar notification area and can be activated with a hotkey (Alt+1).  Once activated, the zoom feature can be controlled with the mouse, tablet pen, and/or keyboard.  Although I haven't used this utility during a presentation yet,…
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Sandcastle – Building API Documentation

For anyone who has ever had to generate documentation for their .NET projects, you know only too well how difficult and time consuming that can be. There have been a few utilities available in the past that helped out in this area.  One example is NDoc.  NDoc generates some very nice API documentation in several different formats.  However, it doesn't work so well for Visual Studio 2005.  Also, the original developer of NDoc has recently announced that he is dropping future development for NDoc in favor of Sandcastle (as well as other circumstances - although the project may be picked up…
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Class Designer PowerToys

Although the PowerToys for the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer and Distributed System Designers have been around for a while now (last release was December 1, 2005) I have just recently started to use them. There is some very useful functionality built into these PowerToys. Actually, there is surprising amount of functionality built in and I've only started to make use of some of it.You can download the source code and the installer from the gotdotnet workspace.Here is a list of features:Design Tools EnhancementsDiagram SearchFormatting CommandsFloating Property GridPan/Zoom Window (a personal favorite)Design Surface Scrolling ImprovementsCreate Comments with Double-ClickDesign Surface GridClass…
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A GUID Debugger Visualizer for Visual Studio 2005

For those of you working in Visual Basic 2005, have you ever had a situation where you would like to view the value of a GUID variable during a debugging session?One of the nice additions to Visual Studio 2005 are debugger visualizers. During a debugging session you can just hover over a variable to view the contents of that variable. This works for almost all .NET data types. However, if you try it with a GUID value, you can't see the actual value - rather you see "{System.Guid}" or "Empty", if you expand the visualizer.I got tired of constantly typing…
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