Team Foundation Server Dog Food

Brian Harry has posted an article on how Microsoft has started eating their own dog food by implementing Team Foundation Server within their own ranks. He details several of the issues they have ran into so far - most of which are related to the sheer size of their various projects. For example, one of the statistics he posts is the number of files and folders currently in their TFS system - 13,137,178 files and 1,677,668 folders. That's a lot of files although, according to his post, it will be a lot more than that by the time they're through.Brian…
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Planning a Team Project

I came across a nice document today on Microsoft's MSDN site that helps with planning new Team Projects. Although this document has probably been around for a little while, this was the first time I had seen. It provides a nice flowchart-like approach to planning Team Projects (e.g. do you create a new project or add to an existing project?).Before creating a team project, you should carefully plan the scope of the project and consider the future path for the modification, growth, and maintenance of the team project. This topic presents a list of questions you must answer to determine…
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Microsoft Launches CodePlex

Microsoft has launched a beta version of its new community software project development site - CodePlex.CodePlex is an online software development environment for open and shared source developers to create, host and manage projects throughout the project lifecycle. It has been written from the ground up in C# using .NET 2.0 technology with Team Foundation Server on the back end. CodePlex is open to the public free of charge.Since CodePlex is based on Team Foundation Server you can connect to the CodePlex site via the Team Client which will then display all projects for which you are a member.You have…
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INDC Talk: Top Ten Tips for Team Foundation Server

Martin Woodward blogs about his list of Top 10 Tips for Team Foundation Server. There is some very good information in these tips as well as links to other useful Team Server related information. He also inlcudes a link to his PowerPoint presentation.
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New Sidekicks

A while back I blogged about the Workspace Sidekick from Attrice. They have released a new version of Workspace Sidekick as well as a brand new sidekick called Status Sidekick.Status Sidekick allows you to view pending changes for your Team Projects in a hierarchical format. The best feature of this utility is that it allows you to unlock one or more locked files/folders and/or undo pending changes on files/folders. Very handy if you don't want to break out the command line documentation :-)Check out the Sidekicks page for more details.
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Team System Utilities

Over the past few months I've come across several utilities related to Team System. Some of them have proven to be useful so I thought I'd compile a short list and post it in case anyone else might find them useful. Click here to see the list.If you know of other Team System utilities that I do not have listed, please let me know about them so I can add them to the list.
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Upgrading Team Foundation Server

Three new documents have been posted on the Visual Studio Team System User Education blog explaining the various upgrade steps for Team Foundation Server. The three documents include:Team Foundation Server Upgrade Types - this document explains the various types (i.e. versions) of Team Foundation Server and what can be upgraded to what.How To: Upgrade from Team Foundation Server Trial EditionHow To: Upgrade from Team Foundation Server Workgroup EditionClick here for more information.
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Workspace Sidekick

A new utility for manipulating Team Foundation Server Version Control workspaces has been released by Eugene Zakhareyev and is available here. Here are some specifications from the web site: Workspace Sidekick is a tool for TFS Administrators and advanced users providing Graphic User Interface for viewing and performing administrative changes on TFS workspaces. The version 1.0 of TFS VC Workspace Sidekick provides the following features:View workspaces filtered by specific owner or computer name (owner and/or computer name may be selected from list of Active Directory users or just typed in)Delete workspacesUpdate workspace computer name (for local workspaces only)View specific workspace…
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Team Foundation Server is Shipping

Team Foundation Server has been officially launched by Rick Laplante at SDWest 2006. We've been using TFS in various beta versions for several months now. It will be nice to finally have the release version available.Read more at:
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