Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy (2008)

A couple of weeks ago, I posted on an update for the Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy for Visual Studio 2010 / TFS 2010.  This version was posted here on the Visual Studio Gallery.  Since then, I’ve received some questions about an update for the Visual Studio 2008 / TFS 2008 version of this check-in policy as the one I posted last September had an issue when checking in source code from the command line. I have now also posted an updated version of the Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy for Visual Studio 2008 / TFS 2008.  If you’re still…
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Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy

A while back, I wrote about the Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy – a custom check-in policy that I had developed for Team Foundation Server 2008.  Yesterday, I published version 2.1, updated for Team Foundation Server 2010, to the Visual Studio Gallery.  The features are the same as the TFS 2008 version with a couple of exceptions: You now have the ability to restrict the set of warnings to Code Contract warnings only. The settings for the check-in policy are now stored as TFS properties (more on this in an upcoming post). Here are the details… Usage: To add this…
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Check for Warnings/Errors Check-in Policy

A few days ago a fellow co-worker asked if I knew of a TFS check-in policy that checks for Visual Studio compilation errors and/or warnings.  I wasn’t aware of such a check-in policy (although it may exist out there somewhere) so I decided to go ahead and create it (who doesn’t love a challenge?!). When active, this check-in policy will evaluate the current Visual Studio solution to determine if any build warnings and/or errors are present.  If so, the check-in policy will fail and will prevent the code from being checked in (this can, of course, be overridden). To enable…
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