Cloud Load Testing Service Webinar

On January 23rd, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Team is hosting a live Cloud Load Testing webinar which will be led by Charles Sterling and Manas Maheshwari.  With the introduction of Visual Studio Online launched in November 2013, software engineering teams now have a set of services that are available to them including the new Cloud Load Testing Service to help you easily discover performance issues of your application when it is being used at scale.  The Cloud Load Testing Service helps you execute load tests using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 by taking care of the infrastructure, management, and administering of the…
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.NET Mocking Framework Survey Results

Two weeks ago, I posted a survey (using Excel Surveys available in SkyDrive) asking you what your preferred/primary .NET mocking framework was. We plan to use this data to help drive out which frameworks we want to evaluate further. The survey closed yesterday and, out of 147 responses, here is how everything shook out: 147 responses may not seem like a lot and, in the grand scheme of all .NET developers across the world, it’s not.  There are several ways you can look at this number:  Out of everyone that viewed the survey request, the majority of them didn’t want…
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Which .NET Mocking Framework Do You Prefer?

We are preparing to evaluate mocking frameworks that support .NET to determine if our current mocking framework is still the best solution for us.  Before we actually start the evaluation, we’d like to get a general idea of which .NET mocking frameworks are popular amongst developers out in the rest of the world. To aid in this endeavor, we have created a simple survey with two questions (or three, depending on how you answer the first question).  Essentially, the survey asks which of the following .NET mocking frameworks is your primary (or preferred) framework.  The list of frameworks is comprised…
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Visual Studio Load Test Feature Pack

Last August, Microsoft announced they would be including the lab agents (i.e. licenses) with TFS 2010 as well as Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with MSDN and Visual Studio 2010 Test Professional with MSDN (link).  As of today, Microsoft has made another great licensing announcement – the Visual Studio Load Test Virtual User Feature Pack 2010. With this feature pack, you can simulate as many virtual users as you like without the need for purchasing additional virtual user licenses.  This change only adds to the already great value provided with the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with MSDN subscription. More Information You…
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Testing Tool Enhancements Coming

Brian Harry has blogged about the forthcoming Feature Pack 2.  If you make use of Coded UI Tests and/or Microsoft Test Runner, then you will be interested in this Feature Pack.  This Feature Pack, once released, will contain the following features: The ability to test Silverlight 4.0 applications (currently, browser-hosted applications only – out-of-browser applications will be supported in the future). Playback of recorded tests in Firefox.  You still have to record the test scripts using Internet Explorer (v7.0 or later), however, you can play them back in either browser. Coded UI Test Editor.  This new editor will allow you…
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Visual Studio 2010 Testing Tools Round Up

Yesterday, I co-presented a session covering some of the testing tools available in Visual Studio 2010.  Overall, the talk seemed to go very well.  In fact, the majority of the feedback responses were highly positive.  However, there was one negative comment – “This talk really was about Team Foundation Server.  Without this expensive application, the information provided is useless.” This comment was, no doubt, formulated based on a statement I had made near the start of my talk.  I pointed out that Microsoft Test Manager relied on Team Foundation Server (TFS) and that it could not be utilized without it. …
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Test Driven Development (TDD)

Today we finished a 3-day crash course in TDD. We will start applying TDD techniques on our project starting next week. It should prove to be an interesting experience being that we have several schools of thought on our development team.I'm excited to give TDD a try so we'll see how it goes.
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