Silverlight 3 Ships

I don’t normally post about Silverlight since I tend to focus on Team System so much.  However, lately I have been spending a lot of time with Silverlight since I will be doing a presentation on it at our internal user group later this fall.  As such, I noticed that Silverlight 3 has officially shipped. Here’s a short list of new features available in v3.0: Ability to run Silverlight applications “out of browser” H.264 Navigation Framework DeepZoom SaveFileDialog (yeah!) WriteableBitmap Pixel Shaders ClearType (again, yeah!) Hardware Acceleration New Controls UI to UI Binding (third yeah!) New REST Networking Stack Mouse…
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IE 8, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight 3 Beta and More

For those of you who have been following the MIX conference this week, there have been several new (final and beta) releases.  So far, the ones most interesting to me personally include: Internet Explorer 8 (final) – there are some great improvements in this version of IE that you can read more about here. ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (final) - ASP.NET MVC enables you to build Model View Controller (MVC) applications by using the ASP.NET framework. ASP.NET MVC is an alternative, not a replacement, for ASP.NET Web Forms that offers the following benefits: Clear separation of concerns Testability - support for…
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Missing Silverlight Assemblies in VS 2008 Beta 2

If you happen to be one of the many that is giving Microsoft's Silverlight 1.1 Alpha version a trial run, you may have ran into the same issue I did.  When I created new Silverlight projects in VS 2008 Beta 2, the Silverlight assembly references had a warning icon next to them stating that they could not be found.  The fix is quite simple - Microsoft has released a refreshed version of the Microsoft Silverlight Tools Alpha for Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2.  I uninstalled the old version, installed the new version, and everything worked fine.
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