My Linux Challenge as a Windows User

My Linux Challenge as a Windows User

Some Quick Background  While I have experimented with a few Linux distros over the years (e.g., Slackware, Tails, Mint, Ubuntu, and several others), I have spent the better part of my technology career using Windows-based systems. I've never had to fully rely on Linux to complete my on-going projects.  With my oldest son starting college next month, I decided to pass my Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 on to him and order a new laptop for myself. I placed the order on July 1st, 2022 with an expected delivery date of July 12th. I thought, hey, that's less than two weeks, I'll install Linux on a…
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Markdown to WordPress Extension Now Open Source

About two and a half years ago (wow, time flies!) I wrote about a Markdown to WordPress extension that I had built for Visual Studio Team Services (now Azure DevOps). This extension was borne out of the desire to manage markdown files within version control (e.g. Azure Repos) and publish them to WordPress via a build definition. Two and a half years later, we are still making use of this extension. Since the original preview release there have been a few tweaks made to the extension that resolved a few bugs as well as introduced some new functionality - e.g.…
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Open Live Writer–It’s Alive!

Like many other bloggers out there on the interweb I have been using Windows Live Writer for many years. If you are also a Windows Live Writer user, then you also likely know that the product has not been updated for several years (the latest version is from 2012). Although the current version works it has grown stagnate in its feature set. That’s why I am excited to find out that Microsoft has open sourced Windows Live Write as Open Live Writer as of December 9th, 2015! You can find the official announcement here on the .NET Foundation web site.From…
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