TFS Live app for Windows Phone

If you happen to 1) work with Microsoft’s Team Foundation Service (TFService) or another publically accessible TFS server and 2) own a Windows 8 Phone, then you will want to check out the tfs live app for Windows Phone. The tfs live app provides quick, at-a-glance totals for the various types of work items you’re most interested in. When you install the app and run it for the first time, you will have to configure the app to connect to your TFS server: Although a template has been provided for the server URL (as shown in the above image), it…
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Support and Suggestion Links for Visual Studio and Windows Phone

This post is as much for my benefit as it is for anyone else :-)  Although I have frequented all of the sites referred to below, it sometimes takes me a minute or two to come up with the link.  Being able to reference this blog post just might save me a little time in the future.  Along with that, it may also point out a few support sites that you weren’t aware of. The links below are specific to Visual Studio and Windows Phone.  As these are two of the most common technologies that I interact with on a…
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Highlights of the Windows Phone Summit

Today, Microsoft held their first ever Windows Phone Summit.  Although the event lasted only two hours, there was quite a bit of information provided, lots of questions answered, and several questions still left to be answered.  Below are some of highlights of the event (in no particular order): Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 will both utilize a Shared Windows Core Device drivers can be built once to support Windows 8 as well as Windows Phone 8 Support for multi-core chipsets A total of three screen resolutions to be supported: 800x400 (current resolution for Windows Phone 7.x) 1280x768 1280x720 Support…
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My First Published Windows Phone 7 Apps

Like many other developers out there (there’s over 18,000 registered developers so far) I decided to take a try at writing some applications for Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 7.  I decided to create two simple applications (to start with) – one for free and the other to (try to) sell for $0.99 (USD).  The details for each application is included below.  But first, a few lessons learned. Lessons Learned All the tools necessary for creating Windows Phone 7 applications are FREE!  Check out this link to get started. Being able to utilize existing Silverlight skills is a huge plus.  I…
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SafetyTip – My First Mobile App

A co-worker recently sent me a link about calculating checksums for tips (i.e. the tip you leave your server when paying for a meal at a restaurant).  Without getting into the crux of the poster's original argument ("thieving restaurant servers" - I don't know how often this happens) I found the idea of creating checksums for tips intriguing. That same night, at one of my family's favorite restaurants, I decided to put the checksum into practice.  However, I quickly realized that mentally calculating checksums for tips wasn't all that fun :-). So, what's a software developer (with a Windows Mobile-enabled…
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