Removing “Stuck” TFS 2008 Build Controllers

When migrating from Team Foundation Server 2008 to Team Foundation Server 2010 the TFS 2008 build controllers are included.  Even if you’ve setup and configured new build controllers for TFS 2010, you will still see the old (TFS 2008) build controllers in the Manage Build Controllers dialog (note: to display the Manage Build Controllers dialog, expand a team project’s node in Team Explorer, right-click on the Builds node, and select Manage Build Controllers). In the screen shot below, you can see the Default Build Controller for TFS 2010 at the top along with ten build agents below (spread across five…
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How To: Skip Actions When Queuing a Build

One of the tasks we commonly build into our Team Build scripts is the ability to run FitNesse tests along with other tests (such as unit tests).  If any of the tests fail, we do not deploy the product for user acceptance testing. The advantage to this approach is that we find out relatively quickly if we have "broke" the build if we have failing tests.  The down side to this is two-fold: 1) the build takes longer to run (not that big of an issue in our case) and 2) Sometimes we refactor code that should break the FitNesse…
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