Connect(); 2016 – Announcement Recap

The second day of Connect(); 2016 wrapped up today. While there is one more day left, it is dedicated to on-line training. This means that pretty much all the planned announcements have been, well, announced ;-)If you’ve been watching Connect(); over the past couple of days you have likely come to the realization that, wow!, there was a lot of stuff demoed and talked about and a TON of announcements! To help you sort through some of the announcements, I’ve attempted to capture most of the highlights and related links below. If you were too busy watching and digesting all…
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Visual Studio 2015 RTM-Join the Fun!

As announced last month Visual Studio 2015 will be released (and available for download publically and via MSDN subscriptions) on Monday, July 20th – mere days away! If you would like to learn more about the features being included in Monday’s release then you will want to join Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2015 Final Release Event! You do not need to register for the event, just show up here on July 20th at 3:30pm UTC (10:30am CDT) to watch the online event.   Agenda 10:30 – 12:15 - Keynote: Visual Studio 2015 – Any app, Any developer 12:15 – 12:35 -…
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Connect(“Day 1 Recap”);

Yesterday, Microsoft streamed live its first ever Connect(); event. Connect(); is a cloud-first, mobile-first, code-first virtual event focused on current and future technologies for developers creating applications across a variety of platforms. Build on your current skills, unleash your creativity, and expand what’s possible to deliver unprecedented innovations. If you didn’t have a chance to watch the live streaming of Microsoft’s Connect(); event yesterday, you can watch the session videos here - You can watch day 2’s live stream here: The Announcements There were lots of great announcements yesterday. Here is a summarized version of most of them:…
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Windows Unplugged Events Coming Soon

How many times have you wanted 10 minutes with someone from the Microsoft Windows team to ask a question, share a thought, get a best practice or maybe just better understand a feature? Well here is your chance. Many of you remember Stephen Rose as the previous owner of the Springboard Series. One of the many programs he lead were the Springboard Series Tours across the US, Canada, Europe and South America.  “I’m excited to announce our Windows Unplugged Tour. Windows Unplugged is similar to the Springboard Series Tours we did in the past but scaled down since it’s just…
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Watch the Visual Studio 2013 Virtual Launch

While I realize this is really short notice (as you can see in the screenshot above, the launch is only about an hour away) I thought I’d go ahead and post the link to view the Visual Studio 2013 Virtual Launch. The event will start today, November 13th, at 15:00 UTC (7:00am PST; 9:00am CST; 10:00am EST).
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