Connect(); 2016 – Announcement Recap

The second day of Connect(); 2016 wrapped up today. While there is one more day left, it is dedicated to on-line training. This means that pretty much all the planned announcements have been, well, announced ;-)If you’ve been watching Connect(); over the past couple of days you have likely come to the realization that, wow!, there was a lot of stuff demoed and talked about and a TON of announcements! To help you sort through some of the announcements, I’ve attempted to capture most of the highlights and related links below. If you were too busy watching and digesting all…
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Free Xamarin Training

Yesterday I published a reminder about next week’s Connect(); event. What I didn’t mention in that post is that if you register your e-mail address to receive Connect();-related information you will receive a free, extended 60-day trial of Xamarin University. This offer is twice the length of the 30-day trial that is typically offered!Xamarin University provides unlimited access to live, online classes led by mobile experts in your time zone and on your schedule. With almost 70 classes offered across 8 learning tracks, Xamarin University offers everything you need to stay up-to-date in today’s constantly evolving mobile landscape.Start your free…
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It’s a Cross-Platform, Microsoft World!

If anyone would have suggested to me a couple of years ago that Microsoft was not only going to release one of its major cash cows (e.g. Microsoft Office) on both iOS- and Android-based platforms, but would also provide developers with some amazing tools to help them also build for and publish to non-Microsoft platforms, I would have likely questioned their sanity. However, in the past couple of years, we’ve had a changing of the guard with a new CEO, Satya Nadella, and we now have a brand new Microsoft playing in the new (read: current) world. With this in…
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