Tech-Ed 2008 – Day Zero

After roughly eight hours of travel time (including layovers) I finally made it to Orlando.  This is my third time here in Orlando for a Microsoft conference (one PDC and, now, two Tech-Eds) and it's nice to be back.  This year I am traveling with another Tech-Ed veteran, and co-worker, Philip Wolfe. We basically went straight from the airport to the hotel just long enough to drop our luggage off and head over to the conference center.  We planned on attending the INETA mini-summit and arrived at the conference center about 15 minutes before the end of the session.  However,…
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Tech-Ed ’08 Birds of a Feather Session

I have been planning on attending this year's Tech-Ed "Developers" conference for a while now.  This will be my 3rd trip to the Tech-Ed conference so this year I decided to see if I could become more involved and submitted a couple topics for Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions.  I just found out a couple of days ago that my submission, Using Team Foundation Server in your Organization, has been accepted.  This will be my first time moderating a BOF session and I am looking forward to it.  I have no doubt that we will be able to learn…
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Getting Ready for Patterns & Practices Summit 2007

It's almost time for this year's Patterns and Practices Summit and I'm excited for many reasons.  There is a list of great speakers lined up along with some great sessions.  One thing I'm looking forward to with this summit over the typical conference (e.g. TechEd or PDC) is I don't have to pick-and-choose between a dozen (or more) tracks when deciding which sessions to attend - there is only one track with about seven sessions per day.  I'm also looking forward to visiting the Microsoft campus since I've never been there before.  So, all-in-all, it promises to be a great…
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What’s New in TFS 2008

I just completed my presentation on the new features of TFS 2008 at this year's Tulsa TechFest.  It was a relatively small session held in one of the classrooms here at the OSU campus which allowed me to more easily address questions during the presentation.  The topic I presented on is called What's New in TFS 2008.  Although the presentations run roughly 75 minutes, I had to skip over a couple of my demos because there are so many new features in TFS 2008.  It was easy to tell that I'm not the only one excited about some of the…
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Tulsa TechFest 2007

The second annual Tulsa TechFest is coming up next month on October 19th and 20th.  There are currently over 50 speakers geared up to present at this years conference with around 15 tracks.  Some of the current speakers include: Jason Zander - General Manager for the .NET Framework Sean Alexander - Director of Silverlight Michael Scherotter - Microsoft Developer Evangelist, San Francisco Wally McClure host of the ASP.NET Podcast Bill Vaughn - Awesome INETA Speaker RETURNSAnd, let's not forget myself :-)  I'll be presenting on What's New with Team Foundation Server 2008 on Friday at 1:00.  This will be my…
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Gearing Up for HDC 2007

It's that time of year again here in the heartland - preparation for the fourth consecutive Heartland Developers Conference.  Last year's conference went very well (Philip and Joe did a great job putting it all together) with a lot of great presentations and this year is looking to be even better.  A new track, “Manage It”, has been added this year which will focus on providing cutting edge content on topics like virtualization, technology driven project management, strategic process management, empowerment tools, and other topics that will help you to manage the development and implementation of your development projects. Although the speaker…
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HDC 2006 is "In the Books"

The 2006 Heartland Developers Conference has officially come to a close.  It was two days of a lot of technical sessions, food, prizes, games, socializing, and more.  Although I don't know the official attendee count (yet) it was somewhere around 600 which is pretty good considering this was only the 3rd year for the conference.  Philip and Joe did a great job putting this together (no surprise there :-).  This was the first year I attended HDC and rumor has it that HDC '07 will be in Omaha as well so I look forward to attending again next year -…
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Heartland Developers Conference

It's official - I'll be presenting on Team Foundation Server's Team Build features at the up coming 2006 Heartland Developers Conference.  This will be the first time I've attended the HDC (it's only in its 3rd year) and I'm looking forward to it. I'll post a link to the presentation materials as the event date approaches. If anyone out there is attending the HDC this year I'd be interested in hearing from you.
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Tech-Ed 2006 is in Full Force

Tech-Ed 2006 is now in ful force in Boston! I arrived yesterday afternoon, checked in, received a bag full of goodies and attended the keynote address. I had a nice, long, descriptive post about the keynote but the hard drive in my tablet PC decided to go kabunk this morning (it made some really horrible sounds and finally "blue-screened" Windows). So, if I'm able to retrieve any data from my hard drive, I'll post about the keynote at a later time.This morning (Monday) I attended the session "Building Modern Software Services, Workflow and Identity" by David Chappell. He was a…
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Tech-Ed 2006 – Boston Sold Out

It's official... Tech-Ed 2006 in Boston is now officially sold out! Luckily I was able to register early on so I'll be there. If you were not able to register and would still like to attend, you can sign up for the waiting list.See you there!
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