Artifact Representation Using OO Techniques

I was recently perusing some of my old code and research papers from prior college years (many years ago!) and came across one titled Artifact Representation Using Object-Oriented Techniques. This paper was for an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence class. From what I recall (it was a long time ago!) we spent most of the class focused on representing facts (knowledge) and rules as well as building and/or using inference engines to correlate disparate bits of knowledge. Along with languages such as Prolog (a programming language suited to representing facts and rules), I also recall using other systems such as CLIPS…
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Displaying Quality Indicators

A few days ago, I put an article together for Paul Hacker's TFSTimes.  The article, Displaying Quality Indicators on your TFS SharePoint Site, discusses usefulness of the Quality Indicators report that ships with Team Foundation Server and how to add it to your project's SharePoint Site.  The article also describes how to modify your build types to automatically run all unit tests as well as how to include code coverage statistics with your build. You can read the article on-line here until the next issue is posted.  The archived PDF version is available here.
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