TFS/MSBuild Sidekicks Updates

The Attrice corporation has been hard at work updating their set of Sidekick Utilities for VSTS/TFS 2008 (I know I'm excited!).  I've been using these tools for quite some time now and have been waiting for the upgrade ever since we updated to VSTS 2008 a month or so ago. First in line are the Team Foundation Sidekicks which includes the following features: History Sidekick - provides various functionality for viewing the history of items within version control. Status Sidekick - (I use this one a lot) - allows you to search and view pending changes for items based on…
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VS 2008 Add-Ins

As I (like many others) make the full-time transition from VS 2005 to VS 2008 I find that I'm having to update several add-ins and utilities that I've grown accustomed to.  Here is a short list of what I've updated so far: Visual Studio 2008 GhostDoc 2.1.2 - I've become very accustomed to pressing Ctrl+Shift+D to fill in the XML comments for my code.  I'm glad to see that VS 2008 is now supported. Project MRU Cleaner - This is a very handy utility for removing orphaned or otherwise unwanted solutions from the Recent Projects list in VS 2005/2008. ReSharper…
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VS 2005 Add-In for Collapsing Solution Projects

Recently, I've started experimenting with the capabilities of add-ins for VS 2005 because I want to write some extensions for Team Foundation Server. However, before I could really get to work on the more complex add-ins I needed to start with something simple.For anyone who has ever worked with Visual Studio 2005 solutions that contains multiple projects, you've probably spent a fair amount of time collapsing the project items in the Solution Explorer. So, my first "useful" add-in simply allows you to collapse all solution project items with a single mouse click.After you install this add-in and run Visual Studio…
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WSCF – Schema-Based Contract-First Web Services

thinktecture has released Version 0.6 of their hugely popular Visual Studio Add-In for developing web services using a contract first approach. The new version has been updated to work with Visual Studio 2005 & .Net 2.0. This version also offers a command line interface to the code generation tool. Here are some highlights:Full support for Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0Generation of partial classesSupport for Nullable typesSupport for SOAP 1.2 bindingPascal case conversion is now optionalImproved support for generating code from SSL-hosted WSDLs The parameter ?wsdl can be configured to return the modeled WSDLOption for generating different styles of…
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