Artifact Representation Using OO Techniques

I was recently perusing some of my old code and research papers from prior college years (many years ago!) and came across one titled Artifact Representation Using Object-Oriented Techniques. This paper was for an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence class. From what I recall (it was a long time ago!) we spent most of the class focused on representing facts (knowledge) and rules as well as building and/or using inference engines to correlate disparate bits of knowledge.

Along with languages such as Prolog (a programming language suited to representing facts and rules), I also recall using other systems such as CLIPS (a tool for building expert systems). For reasons I no longer recall, I decided to write a paper on utilizing object-oriented techniques to represent artifacts. Looking back, I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea other than maybe a thought exercise? Regardless, it’s kind of fun to look back on now and see my thought process at the time.

For the curious, here is the paper. I make no claims as to its accuracy (I only knew what I knew at the time… much like now 😉). Still, makes for an interesting read for the time.

Have you written code focused on Artificial Intelligence and/or Machine Learning? Did you ever utilize object-oriented techniques as part of the process? What was your experience?

As always… keep on learning!

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